Ham Radio

Work related
Pictures 1999-00
Streaming audio tests
Streaming Video tests

My other sites and sites of people I have meet

Boule Björnkulla 2008-02-01 with SM0FI, SM0NR, SM0AGP, SM5BMD, SM0DDZ, SM0EZZ and SM0EWM
Bowling med "Huddingeligan" 2007-11-13
OTC meeting in Stockholm 2003
My old hamradiopage from 1995

Video from QSO in the Meatballnet with KB4RM, Rose-Marie and K4RT, Charles near San Diego 1997
My TH5DX 3 el tribander 
DX-Grill party at SM0COP, June-01 
Ham flea market in Eskilstuna March 6 1999
photo taken by SM0DOU  727 kB or 58kB
DX-meeting at Rune SM0COP
May 28, 1998 visited by Tom, K8XP showing slides from the ZK1XXP expedition.
A few of the hams of Huddinge and SM0DDK
Antenna work at SM5CZY 
Travels to ZS1 and W6 in 1997
Old Ham pictures  
www.qsl.net/sm0ewm/ (just an old photo)
Pictures from flea markets (Nykvarn, Jordbro) sept-00  

030722: Thanks to VK4CP I found a quick solution to the problem with my ICOM IC-706 transceiver (2 m not working)
TE-150 Modifications links (just for the my memory):
(inkl antennuttag + modulationsändring)
http://oh3tr.ele.tut.fi/%7Eftp/modifications/telcom/te150/te150ham.html (på finska)

IK0WRB's lista över LPD channels

Created 981206
Updated 080106  Björn Norén