Conceptual data models are used to describe a selected portion of a real or postulated world of interest. A conceptual schema is a static, time-invariant collection of linguistic or graphical representations that describe the structure of the data of interest. An instance of a schema is a dynamic, time-variant collection of data that conforms to the structure of data defined by the schema. Each schema can have multiple instances; the state of the information base at a particular point of time correspond to one such instance. The model is the schema with its instances (information base).

Conceptual schema's consist of a set of modelling concepts (descriptive elements). Conceptual schema's can be expressed using formal languages. A language is formal if it has a grammar. A grammar is a set of rules that tells how to produce grammatically correct strings of words.

The modelling concepts described in this document are indented to be easy to understand and enable semantically rich descriptions.

The modelling concepts is described as templates and may be expressed in different graphic notations.

All descriptions shall be written in good English, using complete sentences and avoiding indistinct allusions. The language shall be adapted to the needs of the presumptive reader. Abbreviations should be avoided; when used, their meaning should be made clear. When there is a reference to other entity types, their correct names shall always be used.

The following requirements apply to the modelling concepts below:

M = mandatory O = optional


An entity type is an abstraction that represents classes of real-world objects e.g. Person, Car, Plant etc. An entity type properties is described by its attribute types and relationship types.

For each entity type the following is specified:

M name:

The name shall reflect the definition in a short and concise way, be useful in discussions, easy to understand and unique point out the fact in consideration. The name should be a noun in singular, written in capital letters and be unique within the schema. Abbreviations should be avoided.

M description:

Textual description in natural language to explain the meaning of the entity type. The description shall not just repeat the information contained in other places, such as attribute types and relationship types.

O number of instances:

Showing the average number of entity type instances and its expected growth/reduction. Specifying the number may sometimes make it easier to understand the meaning of the entity type. (If one person engaged in modelling thinks the entity type shows four instances, while someone else thinks that they are 1,000, they are likely to talk about two different entity types.)

M justification:

The justification will give the reason that the entity type is needed and for which and what it will be used.

M identifier:

The attribute types and/or relationship types that unique determine an entity instance. The identifier shall be chosen so it is stable over time.

O type of entity type:

Fundamental: The entity type has an independent existence in relation to other entity types.
Attributive: The entity type is dependent of another entity type for its existence.
Associative: The entity type is dependent of two or more entity types for its existence.

O comments:

Supplementary details.


The attribute types and the relationship types together describe the properties of an entity type.

For each of the attribute types the following is specified:

M name:

The name of the attribute types used to point out an attribute type. It must be unique within the context of the entity type, but not within the model. That means that the same attribute type name may be used for several entity types. The name of the entity type should therefore not normally be part of the attribute type name. Abbreviations should be avoided.

M description:

Textual description in natural language to explain the meaning of the attribute type.

M cardinality:

Mapping restrictions are expressed by cardinality that gives the number of attribute instances: normally expressed with minimum (0 or 1) and maximum (1 or M(=Many)). The exact number of instances may also be shown by e.g. 2:2 instead of 1 and M.

Note that maximum cardinality can be "M" so multi-valued attributes are allowed in this modelling approach.

M name of the value set:

The name of the value set from which the attribute values are derived.

O method of calculation:

The method of calculation for attribute types that may be calculated based on other attribute types.

O justification:

The justification will give the reason that the attribute type is needed and for which and what it will be used.

O comments:

Supplementary details.


The attribute types and the relationship types together describe the properties of an entity type. The relationship type has two directions. The properties for each entity type are described by the relationship types pointing to other entity types. The inverse relationship type describes the properties of another entity type.

Only binary relationship types are allowed.

For each of the relationship types the following is specified:

M name:

The name of the relationship outgoing from the entity type and the name of the entity type pointed out. Relationship names are often written in lower-case letters and the name of the entity type in capitals letters, e.g. owns CAR.

O description:

Textual description in natural language to explain the meaning of the relationship type.

M cardinality:

Mapping restrictions are expressed by cardinality. Cardinality gives the number of entity type instances and is normally expressed with minimum (0 or 1) and maximum (1 or M). The exact number of instances may be shown by e.g. 2:2 instead of 1 and M.

M inverse name:

The name of the relationship in the reverse direction.

M inverse cardinality:

The cardinality for the relationship in the reverse direction.

O justification:

The justification will give the reason why the relationship type is needed for which and what it will be used.

O comments:

Supplementary details.


This is a special type of a relationship type and is often called an "is-a relationship."

In a generalization all the attribute types of the generic (supertype) entity type are inherited by all the specialized sub entity types.

Subtypes can be exhaustive (covering) or non-exhaustive (non-covering). Exhaustive means that the specialized subsets together are the superset. This is not used here.

O is a specialization of:

The name of the supertype.

O (or) has the following specialization(s):

The name of the subtype(s).

O specialization principle

A classification key, e.g. sex, nationality, size.



Each unique value set referred to from the attribute types is assigned a separate definition. This definition sometimes applies too many models. Definitions of value set are sometimes produced centrally, e.g. in the form of standardized code lists.

Synonym: Information type, Domain

For each of the value sets the following is specified:

M name:

The name of the value set used to designate a certain value set. The name shall be unique within the organization. Abbreviations should be avoided.

M description:

Textual description in natural language to explain the meaning of the value set.

M value set:

Permitted values described by enumeration of all individual values and/or with one or more intervals. Codes shall be explained.

O datatype:

A component specifying a set of distint values for representing the value set.

Examples of datatypes are: 'character', 'integer', 'character string'.

O maximum size:

A specification of the maximum number of storage units to represent the distinct values of the datatype specified above.

M comments:

Supplementary details.

Appendix A

A nicer solution to the metamodel is shown in the figure below. With this redundancy is avoided. The Relationship Link Types are only specified once. This metamodel is more complicated and harder to understand so it has not been used. A easier to understand or a more pragmatic solution is shown in the metamodel of the Basic Data Modelling Concepts above. In this only the Relationship Link Type is used and it is called Relationship Type.

Appendix B: Example of a graphic notation

Appendix C:
Metamodel of the modelling concepts

Appendix D: Version control of models

Created 1995-03-20. Last modified 1996-10-14. Björn Norén