About CMS (Content Management Systems)      No updates!!                  www.noren.nu

One practical definition of CMS:

CMS is concerned with making information easier to manage and access via the web.
Content management describes the process of easily create, distribute, publish and present information with neither programming nor technical skills. CMS is ranging in price from free to millions of dollars. 

I concentrated on the simple free ones to find a few useful ones. That was not easy. You have to test them and that is timeconsuming. For the present time I have run out of time for that. I will came back as soon as my situation is better.
Below is a few useful links to CMS.

WhatIS definition:  searchwebservices.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid26_gci508916,00.html

Mailing list on www.cms-list.org for content management ideas, technology and products. Archive on archivist.incutio.com/viewlist/cms-list
www.metatorial.com  many papers, presentations
www.cmswatch.com  CMSWatch is an independent source of information, analysis, and reports about web content management solutions.
sourceforge.net with lots of OpenSource projects.
www.opensourcecms.com php/mysql based. Even CMS Reviews, Good!!!
Another general site www.cmsreview.com 
Overview of TTW ("through the Web") WYSIWYG Editors, www.bris.ac.uk/is/projects/cms/ttw/ttw.html with one example on www.aine.be/aynhtml Can be downloaded from sourceforge.net/projects/aynhtml 
guide.darwinmag.com/technology/web/content Overview and links to "learn more", reviews and more.
dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Internet/Site_Management/Content_Management 746 links to CM

Different CMS implementations:

List of OpenSource CMS: www.la-grange.net/cms 
Googles list http://directory.google.com/Top/Computers/Software/Internet/Site_Management/Content_Management
XOOPS (www.xoops.org)  is a dynamic OO (Object Oriented) based open source portal script written in PHP. XOOPS is the ideal tool for developing small to large dynamic community websites, intra company portals, corporate portals, weblogs and much more.
OpenCMS.org/Gridnine OpenSource used by Karolinska Institutet. In swedish se www.opencms.se/sv 
Examples of sites: http://www.it-hq.org/modules/news
 http://www.testopiloto.net  simple, mainly news
 http://www.newshax.com/modules/news more comprehensive
 www.mutey.net and one more. Not to bad.
 http://www.myupb.com/viewscript.php?module=easynews  easynews
TikiWiki, http://tikiwiki.org/TikiWiki also a Web-based collaboration tool. TikiWiki’s major features include: article, forum, newsletter, blog, file/image gallery, wiki, drawing, tracker, directory, poll/survey, quiz, FAQ, chat, banner, webmail, calendar, category, ACL, and more
imCMS Content Management System with open source code (but how to download): www.imcms.net 
 Aegir CMS, www.aegir-cms.org Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP 
 sourceforge.net/projects/sitem  Siteman
 sourceforge.net/projects/phpnuke  , http://phpnuke.org phpNuke (only documentation in German)
 www.phpbb.com/ version 2.0.6.
 sourceforge.net/projects/phpwiki  phpWiki with the purpose to be simple
 HTML text editor www.fredck.com/fckeditor  (so no client)
 new.blogger.com/home.pyra  Blogger
 PHPix Photo Album: sourceforge.net/projects/phpix
Tiki CMS/Groupware tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_articles.php 
Discloser is a webjournal/blog written in PHP using MySQL. sourceforge.net/projects/discloser , discloser.sourceforge.net 
Nucleus CMS sourceforge.net/projects/nucleuscms   , nucleuscms.org
www.viggencmc.artisan.se  Viggen CMC (Content Management Consortium)
--------From Hotscripts---------
www.hotscripts.com/Detailed/8455.html   grade 4.4 not MySQL in German
TYPO3 CMS typo3.org , www.hotscripts.com/Detailed/8392.html  grade 4.64 Have to test this one!
SPAW Editor www.hotscripts.com/Detailed/21534.html  4.59 
Basit www.hotscripts.com/Detailed/19467.html  4.59 no database 
www.programmersheaven.com/zone14/cat651  Content management and lots more
TYPO3 CMS www.hotscripts.com/Detailed/8392.html  betyg 4.64
SPAW Editor www.hotscripts.com/Detailed/21534.html 4.59 
Basit www.hotscripts.com/Detailed/19467.html  4.59 no database
Not CMS but interesting anyway:
PowerPhlogger: www.phpee.com/  Counter hosting tool (free)
www.mailenable.com free mailserver
Scripts, webservers för PHP: www.hotscripts.com/ 
News med PHP: www.php-cgi.com/links.php?cat=128 
Weblogg: awstats.sourceforge.net  

Björn Norén, 031219, PA4